They "Get It"

                                                        MDJunction Online Support Group
I need to take a minute to tell you about the online support group I visit every single day; MDJunction. Let me tell you something people (NO BULLSHIT), without the support of the people in this group, I don't know where I'd be.
I found MDJunction purely by accident; I was surfing the web during an especially severe manic episode, and ended up clicking a link which brought me to the site. I had never participated in an online support group before, and didn't really know what to expect. Luckily, this site allows you to browse through the posts and check out the site BEFORE you create an account (which, by the way, is free). I checked out some posts, watched as other members responded and knew right away that this place would eventually be like a second home for me. I was 100% correct. I found them at a time when I was at the point of giving up... I felt alone, misunderstood and overlooked. Once I started posting, I knew immediately that I most definitely am not alone... And that's what I needed to hear.
I have met many wonderful people (all having bipolar themselves, or having a bipolar loved one) who I can honestly say I consider true friends. It doesn't matter what time of day or night, there is always someone posed and ready to lend you a shoulder if you need one, or make you laugh after you've had the shittiest of days, or just to keep you busy when you don't feel like being alone.
There are also many people there who are reaching out for someone to relate to... Why not help someone know they're not alone? I recommend this site as a tool for anyone with bipolar disorder. In these forums, the people really "get it".

"All I can say is that this has been the best place ever. It has been six to seven months since I joined, and I have learned so much. I now believe in myself and accept myself on a completely different level. The people on MDJunction has been so supportive and accepting that I have been able to adopt it into my personal life. That has reduced a lot of stress in my life. Thanks to all." (bunny_fly)

"MD Junction is my second home, Where my friends are always ready with advise , compassion and a kind word or two. Where I can always be myself never having to put on a brave face or smile if I don't feel like it. Thank you MD Junction" (mpmom)

"I joined this site when i hit my ultimate low. Joining has helped me connect with others who understand me and how i feel and has helped me keep some sanity in my life. Suzanne" (sisters4life)

"MDJunction to me has been the helping friends of understanding that I have needed. I feel now as if someone else it the world understands the things that I am going through. I feel less alone and happier. Here I can let out all my emotions and get support from many people who have been in similar situations. It really has been a life saver for me!" (Amanda78)

"MDJunction to me is somewhere i feel safe i feel i can be myself and not be judged. I love the fact that i get to see that im not alone in what i am going through and i also get the chance to help others on their journey through guidance and communication. I would truly be lost without MDJunction... to me its my savior, my personal place to go where i don’t feel so alone anymore in the world." (Storm6751)

And the list goes on and on.... Do yourself a favor and at least give it a peek. Guaranteed you'll love it there as much as I do.


Anonymous said…
First thing first - good luck with this blog!
second - there is no doubt in my mind that it will blossom as it is written by one of my favorite people on earth and i choose my friends carefully.

and lastly - MDJunction. thank you for writing about it and being such a big part of our community!

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